Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial

Casey Anthony Trial When opening statements begin in Casey Anthony's murder trial Tuesday, what will Anthony's defense team be fighting for: exoneration or a guilty verdict that avoids the death penalty Anthony, 25, is accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee Marie in 2008.

comes down to how the defense is going to define a win. If their goal is to have her completely exonerated, she would have to take the stand," said Richard Hornsby, an attorney who has blogged about the case, which is scheduled to begin in earnest on Tuesday in an Orlando, Fla., courtroom.If their goal is a lesser manslaughter charge, I think it would be detrimental for her to testify because once she testifies and [if] the jury disbelieves her...she's testifying herself into the death penalty," Hornsby said.

Anthony faces a battery of charges including first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter of a child, aggravated child abuse and providing false information to law enforcement.
The most crucial piece of evidence for the prosecution is Anthony's 1998 Pontiac Sunfire. Forensic experts said the car's trunk tested positive for chloroform and decomposition.

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