Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks Good news, sports fans. You can go to bed safely now. Rest your head gently on your pillows, and know that if there were ever a situation where you got to bed Christina Hendricks – you could rest your head on her breasts. Because they’ll never be rock hard. Christina Hendricks has taken it on herself to take on all the rumors circling around her and unmask the reality of breasts. Her breasts are real, adding, ‘Obviously. Anybody whose touched real breasts can see that.’

Which means Christina Hendricks is one step away from calling everyone on the internet dissecting her body and analyzing her curves out for what they really are – hopeless virgins. Seriously. How could you tarnish the good name of Christina Hendricks by saying her obviously natural curves are surgically enhanced by some doctor with a vague Irish name? How could you say she’s gone through the same processes that hundreds of actresses before her have gone through to wind up looking vaguely similar to each other.

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