Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Iaa As it did not long ago, a volcanic ash cloud from an erupting volcano in Iceland is having a negative impact on commercial aviation in parts of Europe. This time it is the Grimsvotn volcano which is spewing a large ash cloud into the air resulting in cancelled flights and airport delays. The Irish Aviation Authority’s IAA currently has listed its airports in Ireland as open, however is it limiting flights. “All Irish airports remain open but some services may be affected by restrictions imposed by other European service providers,” the IAA said on its website. As a result of the restrictions.

Irish airlines Ryanair (RYA.I) and Aer Lingus (AERL.I) cancelled numerous flights along with other air carriers on Tuesday. Ryanair did not agree with the IAA decision to place the restrictions on their flights, saying on their web site that “there is no basis for these flight cancellations”. While hundreds of flight will continue to be cancelled as a result of the ash cloud, the impact is not as significant as the previous shutdown from volcanic ash.

The 200-500 cancelled flights is a small percentage of the 30,000 plus flights around the European area on a daily basis. Officials in Britian from the National Air Traffic Services indicated that several airports within the northern parts of the country would also be impacted. These airports included Glasgow, Edinburgh, Prestwick, Newcastle, Carlisle, Durham Tees Valley and Cumbernauld.

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