Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Trailer

Modern Warfare 3 Trailer The original four teasers for Modern Warfare 3 hinted at a worldwide conflict. The first official Modern Warfare 3 trailer makes no bones about it: The game will revolve around World War III. In the trailer, New York gets seriously messed up, with combat helicopters flying at street level. England's underground rail system is going to need a lot of repairs. Soldiers in France engage in guerrilla warfare, while entire buildings are brought down in Germany. Bad stuff happens in Modern Warfare 3, and who's responsible.

The trailer's narrator says: "It doesn't take the most powerful nations on Earth to create the next global conflict, just the will of a single man." I'll let you try to figure out who it is. The trailer shows players engaging in combat on land, in the air, and even at sea (or under it). No matter what may have happened at Infinity Ward, it along with Slegehammer Games, both named in the trailer, have put together something that looks gorgeous so far.


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