Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Linkedin Singapore

LinkedIn Corp. established its Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore and plans to set up a Japan office later this year, as the company seeks to grow its regional footprint.The headquarters will serve as a gateway for regional expansion and support LindkedIn's existing operations in Australia and India, the company's Asia Pacific managing director, Arvind Rajan, said Tuesday. But it was unclear how the company plans to overcome some of the obstacles that have hindered other social-networking services in the region.The company, which operates professional networking website LinkedIn, went public in the U.S. earlier this month in the biggest Internet IPO since Google Inc.'s debut in 2004, valuing it at $4.25 billion. Its share price more than doubled on the first day of trading, pushing LinkedIn's value up to $8.9 billion and setting the stage for potential debuts from other Internet companies such as Facebook Inc. and Groupon Inc.

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