Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Museum Of Me

Imagine, for a moment, stepping foot in your favorite art museum and entering an exhibit that is entirely about you—your friends, your pictures, your favorite words and phrases. Intriguing, right? Well Intel has made the prospects of an art exhibit all about you a reality with their ‘Museum of Me’ campaign, put together to promote Intel’s Core i5 processors.

Museum Of Me You can connect to the Intel Museum of Me site via Facebook and within seconds all of your social data and images are gathered to create a multi-room virtual art exhibit all about you, in the form of a three-minute long video. One room of the exhibition features pictures of you, one features pictures of your friends, one features words that you use commonly, one is filled with your likes and more. Overall it’s a pretty neat experience, and once the video stops playing you’re invited to share your Museum of Me exhibit with your friends on Facebook.

Gizmodo’s Kelly Hodgkins writes that “seeing your information online as a museum is unnerving, yet fascinating.” Indeed, I did find it a little unnerving that Intel was able to display “me” as accurately as they did. In the exhibition of my friends it displayed pictures of my two best friends, my boyfriend, two of my family members and my brother’s girlfriend. In the words section it was strange to see my dog’s name, my favorite food and my name repeated over and over and over again.


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